Today’s cartoon is more editorial or commentary than funny. It’s about the scourge of our oceans — the jet ski.
Since the pandemic started, I have seen more and more activity on the water, including jet skis. The calm, pretty kayaks and paddle boarders are sometimes menaced by jet ski riders.
I know, I know, I sound like an old man, “Get off my lawn!” “Get out of my water!”
But seriously, I have always been against them. They tear up the ocean bottom in shallow areas and are not good for the sea life. The noise, interruption and chaos is not healthy for them.
I can hear them coming from a mile away. And usually they are racing across the sea, in pairs or more.
I remember years ago, I used to go to a quite beach, where there were hardly any people and one guy would always pull up in his jet ski. I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now.
Today with all those Spring Break fools, spreading covid and disaster all over the city, jet skis only add to this mess. And it’s never the locals, I guess locals have a respect for the environment. It’s always visitors, tourists. You can sometimes see them pulling the jet skis behind their cars, looking for a dock to accost so they can then attack the water, the fish and the whole environment.
Ok, there’s my rant for the day. I’ll go back to being a happy cartoonist tomorrow.
Originally published at on March 31, 2021.