Amazon Prime Day is over and I’m gonna miss it. Not for the bargains, for the Jon Baptiste commercial!
It’s the song of summer! I can’t get it out of my head — the line that says, “I need some cocoa butter and camping supplies,” makes me laugh every time. I actually would wait for the commercial, which was not hard to do since it seemed to be on every few minutes. It’s short and sweet and catchy.
I had written it down to use in a cartoon and I couldn’t come up with anything. Them I remembered a cartoon I used for a past Prime Day and I added the text.
Now to be honest, the 1000 times I’ve seen the commercial, I thought he was singing “Cold, Cold Butter,” but a reader corrected me so I changed the cartoon early this morning before most people saw it.
Butter made sense to me because I thought they were trying to show that Amazon/Wholefoods, delivers food, too.
I did take advantage of Prime Day and I bought a new Surface Pro 8 computer so you’ll be seeing my new cartoons created on that.