I came across this picture online. It’s Coney Island, one day in 1906. It’s crazy, seeing all these people crammed in together at the beach, and so many of them in black suits.
My favorite part is these little guys at the left, if you look to the left of the guys walking, there is a smaller guy digging in the sand. He’s very intent on doing what he’s doing. Does he have to go back to a labor shop the next day, was he a newsboy working 6 days a week selling newspapers? Kids didn’t have it easy back then, but these three looked happy on this day.
I wonder what the two kids that are walking are talking about? They seem deep in conversation.
The one guy at the very bottom, where his head is partly cut off looks like a time traveler — but I always see some sort of time traveler in old pictures, that probably aren’t. I guess it’s his haircut that looks very modern.
I colorized this image below. Makes you feel like you’re almost there, doesn’t it?
Originally published at tomversation.com on May 1, 2022.