Wanna feel old?

Tom Falco
2 min readSep 26, 2022


I went to one of my favorite museums, the Museum of the City of New York. I’m not sure why it’s a favorite, I think it’s the neighborhood I like, Spanish Harlem, as for the museum, it’s the same old exhibits, and once in awhile they change out one room. And their app to buy tickets sucks. Other than that, I did like one exhibit they had today.

But it made me feel ancient. It literally had these things under glass: a dial phone, a pay phone, a newspaper, printed classified ads, film cameras, typewriters, and so much more.

I did enjoy watching a video on the old way newspapers were made and they had a huge old linotype machine and all sorts of old newspaper equipment. That was cool.

But to see these other things behind glass was really freaky.

Cameras — Polaroid and Kodak Insta-cameras with flash cube.
Printed classifieds.
An actual pay phone behind glass.
Printing plates for The New York Times
A dial telephone from the 1950s
Tomversation comic from TomFalco.com

Originally published at tomversation.com on September 26, 2022.



Tom Falco

Tom, along with being a cartoonist, writes about art, history and culture.